Balancing Monsters

Balancing Monsters

Monday, May 3, 2010


So... here it is. My new blog. Isn't it cute?

What? Those little furry things up at the top don't do it for you? I'm okay with that. Those little things up there remind me of my kids. Hairy, mostly happy, and above all, cute little monsters.

Don't expect much out of this post because I'm writing it way too late. I'm missing out on sleep just so I can indulge you. You should be thanking me. Really. I'll accept money as well. K...go.

I'd like to take this time out to also mention that it is extremely hard to write anything witty whilst your husband is snoring next to you.

So, I'll tell you about myself because there is no way I am sleeping now.

I'm Jocelyn. Military wife, Stay-at-home mom, all that jazz. I'm horribly cynical and I'd like to think that I'm pretty funny but I'm sure my friends would disagree.

and... BAM!
There I am.

I'll try not to inflict so much awesome on you all at once again.

Well, maybe one more time...


Those are my awesome kids. Jude monster is on the left over there, and Evelyn monster is on the right. How the hell do I resize these pictures anyway? Forget it, too much effort.

So, um. Keep up with my on-goings. I'm sure I'll be nearly as cool as those jellies you used to wear 15 years ago.

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