Balancing Monsters

Balancing Monsters

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Does anyone have time to blog?

Not me I say! But alas, here I am, enlightening all of you out there who are wasting time browsing instead of doing the dishes, watching the children, and being productive. Slackers unite!


There are a few things going on this week around Tucson that you locals might want to know about. Here's a schedule of the Tucson happenings:

Friday: Firefighter's Chili Cook-Off at Presidio Park! 1.00 for a cup of chili... and if you don't dig chili, you can find out all that they are offering here:

Saturday: Juvenille Diabetes Reasearch Foundation is having a walk to cure Diabetes this Satuday at Reid Park. You can walk with our group, or choose another group to walk with. We are walking for little miss Katherine Faye (Team K-Faye) who is a wonderful little girl who has type one diabetes. Her mother made an adorable video for her! You can find it here: You can also find more information about the walk this Saturday and register online at The Desert Southwest Chapter of JRDF Walk for the Cure!

Sunday: All Souls Procession at EPIC cafe on 4th Ave. and University at 5 p.m. This event has over 20,000 participants on the streets of downtown Tucson for a two-mile long human-powered procession that ends in the finalizing action of burning a large urn filled with the hopes, offerings and wishes of the public for those who have passed. More info is on their website , and I'll link the poster below!

This weekend is chalk full of goodies!



If you get out to Target today, you are sure to pick up some slamming good deals. Most of the Halloween costumes and decorations are 75% off in store. There are a few items in the toy section that are cheap as well. Baby Alive is 11.00, when it's original retail was 45.00! I'd say if you are going out and about today, to stop by your Target's, WalMarts, Walgreens, and CVS for clearance Halloween items.

FOR FRIDAY ONLY! Gap is giving away 10,000 pairs of jeans for the first customers that come up to them and show them on your smart phone (YOU WILL NEED A SMART PHONE FOR THIS DEAL) that you have checked in there on Facebook for a free pair of jeans! Here is a link to their Facebook event.

Alright, well I'm going to try to get some crocheting done! I'll post pictures as soon as I'm done making this ridiculously cute kitty cat hat! Let me know if you are interested, and I'd be more than happy to make one for you!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010


HERE is a pretty awesome giveaway from Connie's Crochet!

The prize for this weeks giveaway is....
a photography cocoon (pink and green pics above) in whatever color you choose!

YEP! A custom made cocoon just for you! Perfect for photographers, new moms and shower gifts!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Military Appreciation Month

How did I know it was Military Appreciation Month?

Because my husband was groped at Sunflower Market yesterday. I'm sure he loves a good groping now and then, but when it is by a homely-looking woman and her 90 year old mother, it might be a slightly different story.

She didn't explain why she was embracing Steven until after she had held him for at least a good five seconds. I don't even hug him for five seconds so I thought she was either REALLY lonely or she had some legitimate reason to fondle my husband mid-day in the grocery store.

Turns out, the touchy feely old bag was hugging my husband because it's Military Appreciation Month. Oh boy. So I'd like to say thank you to all of Steven's fellow service member for signing up for the military.

Alright, well that's done. Let's see what other appreciation-type things are official this month:

National Better Sleep Month.... yeah... right.
National Asparagus Month- Because everyone needs a little more asparagus in their life
National Hamburger Month- nom nom nom
National Month of Man- Oh give me a break.

Okay. I'm not going to inflict any of these other silly national months on you... but a National Kick Ass Moms Month should be instated stat.

Monday, May 3, 2010


So... here it is. My new blog. Isn't it cute?

What? Those little furry things up at the top don't do it for you? I'm okay with that. Those little things up there remind me of my kids. Hairy, mostly happy, and above all, cute little monsters.

Don't expect much out of this post because I'm writing it way too late. I'm missing out on sleep just so I can indulge you. You should be thanking me. Really. I'll accept money as well. K...go.

I'd like to take this time out to also mention that it is extremely hard to write anything witty whilst your husband is snoring next to you.

So, I'll tell you about myself because there is no way I am sleeping now.

I'm Jocelyn. Military wife, Stay-at-home mom, all that jazz. I'm horribly cynical and I'd like to think that I'm pretty funny but I'm sure my friends would disagree.

and... BAM!
There I am.

I'll try not to inflict so much awesome on you all at once again.

Well, maybe one more time...


Those are my awesome kids. Jude monster is on the left over there, and Evelyn monster is on the right. How the hell do I resize these pictures anyway? Forget it, too much effort.

So, um. Keep up with my on-goings. I'm sure I'll be nearly as cool as those jellies you used to wear 15 years ago.